Title: “Hilarious Take on AI: Charlie Brooker Explains How Rishi Sunak Almost Blended in Perfectly

Title: “Hilarious Take on AI: Charlie Brooker Explains How Rishi Sunak Almost Blended in Perfectly
Title: “Hilarious Take on AI: Charlie Brooker Explains How Rishi Sunak Almost Blended in Perfectly
Title: “Hilarious Take on AI: Charlie Brooker Explains How Rishi Sunak Almost Blended in Perfectly

Hilarious Take on AI: Charlie Brooker Explains How Rishi Sunak Almost Blended in Perfectly


Artificial Intelligence has been in use for a long time now and has rapidly developed since its inception. There are many instances where we have come across AI, be it Siri on your iPhone or chatbots on social media platforms. It is, in fact, a significant part of our lives now. But have you ever thought about it as a hilarious subject? Charlie Brooker, the creator of the popular TV show “Black Mirror,” has a lot to say about AI regarding humor, and he has recently shared his views on how AI could help us pull off a prank, like trying to blend Rishi Sunak or anyone over AI, successfully.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to perform tasks, such as speech recognition, decision-making, and problem-solving. AI has led to the development of many fascinating things that we couldn’t have imagined before, but it’s the humor that is often missed in AI.

Charlie Brooker’s Take on AI

Charlie Brooker, in a recent interview, was asked his views on how AI could be involved in humor. He said that AI, at the moment, is an entirely serious subject, but the ability to combine AI with humor is intriguing. Brooker, in his popular TV show, has highlighted how our lives can get impacted by the advancement of technology, and AI plays a vital role in it. In terms of humor, he said humor is typically based on subverting expectations and, in that sense, we could use AI to bring in a massive element of surprise.

How Could AI Help Blend Someone Perfectly?

When Charlie was asked how he would use AI in humour, he said that people used to create deep-fake videos by mixing a politician’s face with another body that wasn’t theirs. This way, we could create realistic-looking videos of Rishi Sunak or anyone else, with their face blended perfectly in a different body. Now imagine these kinds of videos being played on a TV while Rishi Sunak sits down for an interview. He will undoubtedly be surprised to see his face on a completely different body, and that is a recipe for a successful prank.

Perplexity and Burstiness of AI

Perplexity and burstiness are the two concepts that can be seamlessly integrated into AI humor. Perplexity refers to the measure of how predictable the next word in a sentence would be when given the previous words. In AI humor, the model could come up with perplexing or unexpected responses to a given input. Burstiness refers to the occurrence of a particular word or phrase in a specific period. AI humor could use this concept to make a series of jokes related to a specific subject, making it burst with humor.


The use of AI in humor is a novel concept, and with the advancements in AI technology, it is not far-fetched to see it being used for humor in the future. Charlie Brooker has presented many instances where AI could be used for humor, and it’s up to the developers to use their creativity and come up with interesting ways to use AI for humor.


1. Can AI be funny?

AI doesn’t have emotions, so it cannot be “funny” in the true sense. However, it can be programmed to give responses that could be considered humorous by humans.

2. Could AI replace human comedy?

AI can help in creating comedy but cannot replace human comedy as it lacks emotions and the creativity of a human mind.

3. How can AI in humor be beneficial?

AI can help us come up with unexpected responses and bring an element of surprise in comedy. We can also use AI to create deep-fake videos for pranks.

4. How is perplexity important in AI humor?

Perplexity is important in AI humor as it adds an element of surprise by generating unexpected responses from AI.

5. Can AI humor be offensive?

Yes, AI humor can be offensive if programmed to generate content that could hurt people’s sentiments. Humans need to be cautious while creating AI content to avoid any offensive material.


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